Gratin de manioc (cassava)
1 kg manioc (cassava) peeled
1 medium onion finely sliced
1 teaspoon garlic finely crushed
1/2 cup milk
1cup grated cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon thyme leaves
2 egg yolks
parsley sprigs
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
salt to taste
Boil the peeled manioc (cassava) in salt water over medium high heat until softened but not mushy. Remove from water and allow to cool. Keep the water for later use. Mash up the manioc (cassava) to a creamy consistency. Remove the stringy bits. Add salt to taste and mix well.
Finely slice the onion. Fry the sliced onion and crushed garlic in the vegetable oil until light golden. Remove from the oil and drain.
Beat up the egg yolks.
Heat up the oven at 180 degrees centigrade.
Add the fried onion slices to the mashed manioc (cassava). Mix well. Add the grated cheese, thyme leaves and egg yolks. Mix well together. Gradually blend in the milk until the mixture is creamy but not watery.
Grease an oven proof gratin dish. Spoon the mixture into the dish. Place in oven in mid position. Allow to cook until the mixture start to show signs of cooking. Sprinkle the top with the bread crumbs. Reduce heat to 150 degrees centigrade. Continue to bake until crumbs are cooked to a light golden colour. Alternatively, you can cook the gratin in the oven to your preference, then sprinkle with the bread crumbs and put under the grill until browned.
Remove from oven. Place the parsley sprigs on top for decoration.