Best of
Mauritian Cuisine

Learn Mauritian Cuisine with Clancy Philippe
Madeleine and Clancy Philippe have written articles and contents for numerous magazines, food guides and reviews on Mauritian Cuisine, such as the “Foods and Drinks” section of the Lonely Planet Guide to Mauritius, Rodrigues and Seychelles. Their web site “Recipes from Mauritius” broke new ground in 1994 and was the first web site ever created to promote Mauritian Cuisine. It has since sustained its number 1 Google rating. They have also assisted in the compilation of Mauritian food related articles published by various writers and marketing agencies.
They have also researched the original recipes from which many of today’s Mauritian dishes originated from. This has led to many interesting discoveries in relation to the close and emotional relationship between the settlement history of Mauritius and the evolution of Mauritian Cuisine. This emotional relationship is important as there is nothing like good Mauritian food on the table to bring Mauritians together, wherever they may be worldwide.
Since Madeleine’s passing in 2011, Clancy co-wrote with the help of Madeleine’s recipe notes, the Gourmand “Best in the World” Award winning book “Best of Mauritian Cuisine”. This book has enjoyed enormous success and is now distributed and sold worldwide.
Clancy and associates can advise upon any facet of Mauritian Cuisine, ranging from cooking techniques through the history of Mauritian cuisine to the choice of dishes on the menu. Contact us on +61 3 412 018 505 or

Best of Mauritian Cuisine by Madeleine & Clancy Philippe
Food Writer
Madeleine and Clancy Philippe have written articles and contents for numerous magazines, food guides and reviews on Mauritian Cuisine, such as the “Foods and Drinks” section of the Lonely Planet Guide to Mauritius, Rodrigues and Seychelles. Their web site “Recipes from Mauritius” broke new ground in 1994 and was the first web site ever created to promote Mauritian Cuisine. It has since sustained its number 1 Google rating. They have also assisted in the compilation of Mauritian food related articles published by various writers and marketing agencies.
They have also researched the original recipes from which many of today’s Mauritian dishes originated from. This has led to many interesting discoveries in relation to the close and emotional relationship between the settlement history of Mauritius and the evolution of Mauritian Cuisine. This emotional relationship is important as there is nothing like good Mauritian food on the table to bring Mauritians together, wherever they may be worldwide.
Since Madeleine’s passing in 2011, Clancy co-wrote with the help of Madeleine’s recipe notes, the Gourmand “Best in the World” Award winning book “Best of Mauritian Cuisine”. This book has enjoyed enormous success and is now distributed and sold worldwide. You can also visit our Caripoule Mauritian Food Blog and read interesting facts about Mauritian Cuisine.
Restaurant Reviews
Restaurant owners searching for new style cooking, regularly contact us for guidance on adapting and including Mauritian dishes on their menu. It is just amazing how Mauritian cuisine has crossed frontiers with Mauritian expatriates and gained new adepts. They have also been invited to undertake restaurant reviews and outline recommendations for improvement in customer service, table manners and menu presentation. They have also been invited on many occasions to offer recommendations to renowned chefs worldwide on the choice of Mauritian dishes for inclusion on the menu for international food festivals.
Recipe Writing and Cooking Classes
We also offer guidance in recipe writing. Cooking techniques, choice of quality ingredients and effective food preparation techniques are identified to ensure that the prepared recipes can be used equally well by experts and beginners alike. The importance of good ingredients and their freshness cannot be understated. The feedback received from users of our recipes and visitors to our web site at since 1994 has been of immense value.
Clancy and associates can advise upon any facet of Mauritian Cuisine, ranging from cooking techniques through the history of Mauritian cuisine to the choice of dishes on the menu. Contact us on +61 412 018 505 or

Gourmand Best In The World Award Winning Book
“Maddy and I would love you to write a preface for the Cookery Book we are producing”. Clancy’s email did not really surprise me as I am used to him speaking of his dearest wife, Madeleine, in the present tense. Although physically departed from this world, Maddy’s spirit will live on forever for those who loved her…and still do.
“All, …everything that I understand…I understand because I love you”. These words from none other than Victor Hugo – whose mother, by the way, was born in Mauritius – must have been written for Maddy and Clancy whose love affair has survived the ravages and worldly pressures of time and even the harsh reality of death.
Clancy keeps her alive, and cheerful, in all his actions and writings and one cannot but feel the communion – that united them all these past years – continue to flow into his daily life.
So what better way to honour her memory than to publish a book on her inimitable cuisine? The cuisine of her homeland, Mauritius, one of the rare places in this world where different ethnic groups live in near-perfect harmony. Sharing their cultures and religions whilst maintaining a very strong sense of belonging to a little island-dot lost in the middle of the Indian Ocean. A very special island, steeped in history, which appears on the first world map ever published – Alberto Cantino’s planisphere (1502). No Australia yet and only pieces of America…!
These diverse elements from Asia, Africa, India and Europe (France in particular) find their way in the cuisine of Mauritius in a happy, spicy and often intriguing blend… always succulent.
Maddy had mastered the subtleties of this cuisine and in this book, she reveals through her soul mate Clancy, the secrets of its intricacies leading to the final taste explosion.
Those who were not fortunate enough to have crossed her path will have the lucky opportunity, here, to discover the jovial and fiery character mingled with her incredible warmth and generosity that pervade these recipes. She would desperately want you to enjoy them, as sharing was an innate part of her persona.
This is not just any Cookery Book….this one was written in Heaven !
Marcel Lindsay Noë