Gratin de giraumon - pumpkin gratin
1 kg diced pumpkin
1 tablespoon butter
100 ml milk
2 egg yolks
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese
Grated Parmesan cheese for topping
Bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste
“Pumpkins are believed to have originated in Central America. Seeds from related plants have been found in Mexico, dating back over 7000 years to 5500 B.C. Native American Indians used pumpkin as a staple in their diets centuries before the pilgrims landed. When white settlers arrived, they saw the pumpkins grown by the Indians. Pumpkin soon became a staple in their diets, too. They also brought seeds back to Europe, where they quickly became popular.”
Peel pumpkin, remove seeds and stringy bits. Dice into 2-3 cm cubes and wash in running cold water. Boil diced pumpkin until tender and ready to be mashed. Drain cooked pumpkin pieces. Mash to a smooth purée while still hot. Add 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese. Mix well together. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add 2 egg yolks. Mix well together and gradually add 100 ml milk. Blend manually until well blended.
Pour the purée into a non-stick or pre-buttered baking dish. Top with breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan cheese. Bake in a pre-heated oven in mid position at 180°C. Cook until the topping turns to a light golden colour.