Croquettes crevettes - prawn fritters
500 grams cooked small prawns (shrimps) shelled and deveined
1/2 cup rice flour
1/2 cup self raising flour
1/2 cup semolina flour
1/2 cup besan (chick pea) flour
1 tablespoon cornflour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon ground cunin
1/4 teaspoon hot chilli paste
2 eggs beaten
water to mix
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon crushed ginger
3 spring onions finely chopped
1 cup oil for frying
fresh coriander for garnish
salt and pepper to taste
Shell the prawns and devein if necessary. Cut into smaller portions if necessary for incorporation into batter. Set aside.
Sift flours, baking powder and seasonings. Place in bowl and make a well in the centre. Pour in the beaten eggs and stirring from the centre, incorporate flour until thick. Gradually add water, stirring constantly to produce a thick but smooth batter.
Stir into the batter the finely chopped onion, crushed ginger, finely chopped spring onions and prawns. Taste and add salt and pepper to taste. Cover and allow to stand for 15 minutes.
Heat oil in a shallow-sided frying pan. Slide one tablespoon of batter, including prawns at a time into the oil and cook on both sides until golden on both sides. drain on kitchen towel paper.
Serve hot with chilli sauce and garnish with coriander leaves.
Enjoy. Nice as gajack (snacks) with drinks.